Experts for the media by topic


Areas of expertise:
accounting, income tax, tax assistance


Areas of expertise:
female body dissatisfaction (wrote book on subject), female beauty, how women are portrayed in the media


Areas of expertise:
clinical psychology, therapy, brain injury, anxiety (co-authored book on subject), post traumatic stress disorder, sexual assault, stress, anxiety disorders, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, neuropsychology, psychotherapy and rehabilitation, depression


Areas of expertise:
Autism Spectrum Disorder, early language and literacy, child communicative disorders


Areas of expertise:
accounting, income tax, tax assistance

Career Development

Areas of expertise:
choosing a major, career counseling, job searching, networking, resume/cover letter writing, interviewing skills, hiring college graduates, internships (student and employer perspectives), career development across the lifespan, career counseling


Areas of expertise:

Child Abuse and Neglect

Areas of expertise:
child welfare, child abuse and neglect, sibling abuse, school social work, family violence, social policy issues, family relationships, parent-child relationships, marital relationships, community-based research, bullying, school violence, conflict resolution, anti-violence education

Communicative Disorders

Areas of expertise:
Autism Spectrum Disorder, early language and literacy, child communicative disorders

Consumer Culture

Areas of expertise:
Mass media and gender (particularly masculinity in American media culture), consumer culture, hyper-consumption


Areas of expertise:
Dance performance, training and history, careers in dance, arts and social activism


Areas of expertise:
clinical psychology, therapy, brain injury, anxiety (co-authored book on subject), post traumatic stress disorder, sexual assault, stress, anxiety disorders, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, neuropsychology, psychotherapy and rehabilitation, depression


Areas of expertise:
cultures, languages, intercultural studies, the Bahá’í Faith
Areas of expertise:
female body dissatisfaction (wrote book on subject), female beauty, how women are portrayed in the media
Areas of expertise:
race and ethnicity, Asian Americans, education topics (especially higher education)
Areas of expertise:
identity of Muslim women living in Western cultures, cultural competence, intercultural competence, power and privilege, interracial dialogue


Areas of expertise:
child welfare, child abuse and neglect, sibling abuse, school social work, family violence, social policy issues, family relationships, parent-child relationships, marital relationships, community-based research, bullying, school violence, conflict resolution, anti-violence education

Education Issues

Areas of expertise:
Art education
Areas of expertise:
Autism Spectrum Disorder, early language and literacy, child communicative disorders
Areas of expertise:
elections and voting behavior, women and politics, politics of legalized gambling, lotteries/gambling funding education, morality and social policy
Areas of expertise:
race and ethnicity, Asian Americans, education topics (especially higher education)
Areas of expertise:
reading, language arts, children's literature
Areas of expertise:
child welfare, child abuse and neglect, sibling abuse, school social work, family violence, social policy issues, family relationships, parent-child relationships, marital relationships, community-based research, bullying, school violence, conflict resolution, anti-violence education
Areas of expertise:
clinical psychology, therapy, brain injury, anxiety (co-authored book on subject), post traumatic stress disorder, sexual assault, stress, anxiety disorders, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, neuropsychology, psychotherapy and rehabilitation, depression

Violence and Stalking

Areas of expertise:
stereotyping and prejudice, media, gender, race/ethnicity, social class, public’s fascination with reality television, standardized testing, rape myths, rape blame
Areas of expertise:
child welfare, child abuse and neglect, sibling abuse, school social work, family violence, social policy issues, family relationships, parent-child relationships, marital relationships, community-based research, bullying, school violence, conflict resolution, anti-violence education


Areas of expertise:
accounting, income tax, tax assistance

Foreign Affairs

Areas of expertise:
U.S. foreign policy, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, immigration, Latin America, Middle East
Areas of expertise:
19th-21st century European history specializing in Polish, Russian, revolutionary France and modern Irish histories


Areas of expertise:
elections and voting behavior, women and politics, politics of legalized gambling, lotteries/gambling funding education, morality and social policy

Health Issues

Areas of expertise:
women’s health, health care delivery system, poverty and health
Areas of expertise:
nursing, critical care nursing, cardiovascular nursing, women and cardiovascular disease, nursing research, nursing leadership/management, leadership
Areas of expertise:
clinical psychology, therapy, brain injury, anxiety (co-authored book on subject), post traumatic stress disorder, sexual assault, stress, anxiety disorders, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, neuropsychology, psychotherapy and rehabilitation, depression


Areas of expertise:
19th-21st century European history specializing in Polish, Russian, revolutionary France and modern Irish histories
Areas of expertise:
American history, religious history, American religion, specifically American Protestant evangelicals and evangelical missions


Areas of expertise:
elections and voting behavior, women and politics, politics of legalized gambling, lotteries/gambling funding education, morality and social policy

Personal Relationships

Areas of expertise:
stereotyping and prejudice, media, gender, race/ethnicity, social class, public’s fascination with reality television, standardized testing, rape myths, rape blame
Areas of expertise:
child welfare, child abuse and neglect, sibling abuse, school social work, family violence, social policy issues, family relationships, parent-child relationships, marital relationships, community-based research, bullying, school violence, conflict resolution, anti-violence education

Social and News Media

Areas of expertise:
political communication, political campaign communication (debates, ads, speeches, Internet), politician and celebrity responses to scandal accusations, presidential communication, communication studies
Areas of expertise:
female body dissatisfaction (wrote book on subject), female beauty, how women are portrayed in the media
Areas of expertise:
Mass media and gender (particularly masculinity in American media culture), consumer culture, hyper-consumption

Mental Health

Areas of expertise:
clinical psychology, therapy, brain injury, anxiety (co-authored book on subject), post traumatic stress disorder, sexual assault, stress, anxiety disorders, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, neuropsychology, psychotherapy and rehabilitation, depression


Areas of expertise:
choral music, conducting


Areas of expertise:
women’s health, health care delivery system, poverty and health
Areas of expertise:
nursing, critical care nursing, cardiovascular nursing, women and cardiovascular disease, nursing research, nursing leadership/management, leadership


Areas of expertise:
U.S. foreign policy, wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, immigration, Latin America, Middle East
Areas of expertise:
American democracy, law, the presidency, constitution, civil liberties, public administration
Areas of expertise:
elections and voting behavior, women and politics, politics of legalized gambling, lotteries/gambling funding education, morality and social policy

Pop Culture

Areas of expertise:
political communication, political campaign communication (debates, ads, speeches, Internet), politician and celebrity responses to scandal accusations, presidential communication, communication studies
Areas of expertise:
female body dissatisfaction (wrote book on subject), female beauty, how women are portrayed in the media
Areas of expertise:
Mass media and gender (particularly masculinity in American media culture), consumer culture, hyper-consumption


Areas of expertise:
clinical psychology, therapy, brain injury, anxiety (co-authored book on subject), post traumatic stress disorder, sexual assault, stress, anxiety disorders, learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, neuropsychology, psychotherapy and rehabilitation, depression
Areas of expertise:
political communication, political campaign communication (debates, ads, speeches, Internet), politician and celebrity responses to scandal accusations, presidential communication, communication studies
Areas of expertise:
stereotyping and prejudice, media, gender, race/ethnicity, social class, public’s fascination with reality television, standardized testing, rape myths, rape blame


Areas of expertise:
Women's Studies, spirituality and sexuality
Areas of expertise:
humor/laughter, single life, spirituality vs. religion
Areas of expertise:
American history, religious history, American religion, specifically American Protestant evangelicals and evangelical missions

Social Work and Gerontology

Areas of expertise:
child welfare, child abuse and neglect, sibling abuse, school social work, family violence, social policy issues, family relationships, parent-child relationships, marital relationships, community-based research, bullying, school violence, conflict resolution, anti-violence education


Areas of expertise:
accounting, income tax, tax assistance


Areas of expertise:
directing, stage management, children’s theater, Actor’s Equity Association

Gender and Womens Studies

Areas of expertise:
stereotyping and prejudice, media, gender, race/ethnicity, social class, public’s fascination with reality television, standardized testing, rape myths, rape blame
Areas of expertise:
Women's Studies, spirituality and sexuality
Areas of expertise:
female body dissatisfaction (wrote book on subject), female beauty, how women are portrayed in the media

Speech Language Pathology

Areas of expertise:
Autism Spectrum Disorder, early language and literacy, child communicative disorders